Archivi tag: Study Centre “Mastrodicasa Sisto” at the Professional Associations of Architects and Engineers of the Provinces indicated. Perugia


Academic Years
Professor of “Applied Geology and Geotechnical Engineering Works” (42 hours) Masters Course in Science and Geological Technologies, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Perugia.

Varese, June 20, 2014
Lecturer in Educational Seminars on the consolidation of structures.
Seminar # 1: Interpretation of the structural instability of masonry buildings and consolidation techniques with steel (4 hours);
Seminar # 2: Repairs on buildings on unstable slopes and consolidation of the wooden structures with steel (4 hours). An initiative promoted by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Varese.

Cosenza, June 5, 2014
Teacher of the Course:
“The religious architectural heritage: ensuring safety and conservation of churches.”
Principles of consolidation of damaged monumental buildings by using steel – foundation works, in elevation and on unstable slopes (2 hours).
Reading and interpretation of the structural instability of monumental buildings and advanced techniques for propping systems (2 hours).
Initiative promoted by the National Council of Engineers, the order of engineers of Cosenza and the Mediterranean Foundation for Engineering.

Ancona, April 14, 2014
Lecturer in the Seminar:
“The European planning. Opportunities for professionists, elements of European design. “ An initiative promoted by the Federation Orders of Engineers of Marche and by the Provincial Orders of Engineers of Marche.

Novara, April 4, 2014
Lecturer in the Seminar:
Reading and interpretation of the structural instability of masonry buildings and advanced techniques for temporary propping systems (2 hours) and consolidation methods with steel of damaged masonry buildings – Foundation works, in elevation and on unstable slopes (2 hours). Initiative promoted by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Novara.

Latina, June 14, 2013
Diagnosis, Analysis and Design of interventions for masonry buildings (4 hours), an initiative promoted by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Latina and the Centro Studi “Sisto Mastrodicasa.”

Torino, 24 May 2013
Lecturer of the Course: “Problems of risk on the architectural heritage. Methods and tools in interventions on historical and monumental buildings”.
Consolidation of historical buildings with steel (2 hours). Initiative promoted by ASS.I.R.C.CO. – Italian Association for the Recovery and Consolidation of Buildings and Study Centre “Sisto Mastrodicasa”.

Cosenza, February 9, 2013
Lecturer of the Course for Architects and Engineers:
The consolidation of historic buildings with steel (4 hours), an initiative promoted by the Ministry of the Interior – Provincial Command of the Firefighters of Cosenza; Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities – Superintendence for Architectural Heritage and Landscape for the provinces of Cosenza, Crotone and Catanzaro; ASS.I.R.C.CO. – Italian Association of Recovery and Consolidation of Constructions; National Council of Engineers; Order of Engineers of Cosenza; Mediterranean Foundation for Engineering.

Barletta, November 24, 2012
Lecturer in the School of Professional Development for safety Co-ordinators in temporary and mobile building yards. (Legislative Decree no. 9 April 2008, n. 81):
The safety of buildings: the first propping systems and subsequent consolidation (4 hours), an initiative promoted by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Barletta Andria Trani and Spesal ASL BT

Priverno (LT), 13 October 2012
Lecturer of the Course: “Architectural heritage and seismic risk. Methods and tools for prevention interventions on historical and monumental buildings”
Consolidation of historic buildings with steel
(2.5 hours). Initiative promoted by ASS.IRCCO. – Italian Association for the Recovery and Consolidation of Buildings and the Order of Architects of the Province of Latina.

Rieti, 11 February 2012
Lecturer of the Course: “Architectural heritage and seismic risk. Methods and tools for prevention interventions on historical and monumental buildings”
Consolidation of historic buildings with steel
(2.5 hours). Initiative promoted by ASS.IRCCO. – Italian Association for the Recovery and Consolidation of Buildings and the Order of Architects of the Province of Rieti.

Chieti, June 24, 2011
Professional Updating Course Engineering of Structures: Existing Constructions – Masonry Buildings (8 hours). An initiative promoted by the Order of Engineers, Province of Chieti.

Fiuggi, June 18, 2011
Architectural heritage and seismic risk. Methods and tools from prevention to interventions on historic and monumental buildings (2.5 hours). An initiative of ASS.I.R.C.CO, Italian Association for the Recovery and Consolidation of Buildings.

Academic Year 2009/2010
Lecturer Masters Course (second level)
Seismic improvement, restoration and consolidation of historic and monumental buildings – Fourth Edition – Course on “Structural problems of historical and monumental buildings” (60 hours), University of Perugia, Faculty of Engineering.

Gubbio, 20 March, 2010
The Restoration of “Palazzo Bargello” in Gubbio and experiences of recovery and preservation of civil architecture of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century (3 hours). An initiative of the Municipality of Gubbio.

Teramo, July 30, 2009;
Pescara, July15, 2009;
Ascoli Piceno, May 8, 2009

Lecturer NTC Course 2008
Supplementary Seminar: Consolidation and restoration of masonry buildings – Actions on structures in elevation: analysis of failures, temporary work, renovation and consolidation, (8 hours) for the Order of Engineers of the Provinces indicated.

Perugia, May 15, 2009
Course on Recovery and Conservation of Buildings I and II:
Architectural ideation in the recovery of monumental buildings (3 hours), University of Perugia, Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Academic Year 2007/2008
Lecturer – Masters Course (second level)
Seismic improvement, restoration and consolidation of historic and monumental buildings – Third Edition – Course on “Structural problems of historical and monumental buildings” (60 hours), University of Perugia, Faculty of Engineering.

Perugia, June 25, 2008
The pleasure of drawing (4 hours). An initiative by the University of Perugia, Faculty of Engineering.

Spoleto (PG)
September 22, 2007

Scientific research in the design of post-seismic strengthening and restoration work, (3 hours). An initiative promoted by the Umbria Region and the Marche Region.

Perugia, May 22, 2007
The quality of building between innovation and protection of architectural and landscape heritage (2 hours). An initiative promoted by the Region of Umbria, the Municipality of Perugia and by the Professional Associations.

Rome, January 31, 2008
Consolidation and restoration of masonry buildings. An initiative by ASS.I.R.C.CO, Italian Association of Recovery and Consolidation Construction.

Perugia, 15 and 16 March 2007
“Guidelines for the assessment and reduction of seismic risk of cultural heritage with reference to technical standards for construction” (8 hours), Study Centre “Mastrodicasa Sisto.”

Foligno, 2006
“Project: perform – path building renovation” (4 hours) at the Institute for Industrial and Technical Surveyors’, Leonardo da Vinci “, Foligno.

Academic Year
Lecturer – Masters Course (second level)
Seismic improvement, restoration and consolidation of historic and monumental buildings – Second Edition – Course on “Structural problems of historical and monumental buildings” (60 hours), University of Perugia, Faculty of Engineering.

Years 2005/2006
Course: “Seismic classification, vulnerability of buildings and standards for construction in seismic areas”, for the Umbria Region.

Perugia, 2005
Course: “ Seismic classification, vulnerability of buildings and technical regulations for seismic constructions” (24 hours) for the School of Public Administration Villa Umbria.

Year 2005
“Technical measures of intervention for floors and trusses in wood and metal construction: increased stiffness in the plan, restoring the original conditions, treatment of premises , increased resistance, changing constraints and connections: materials, calculation procedures, construction details, examples ” during the course on Safety in masonry buildings, diagnosis, degradation, interventions, representative examples of interventions for the Study Centre” Mastrodicasa Sisto. “

Chieti, in 2005
Lecturer Professional Refresher Course
Technical standards for the design and sismic adaptation- retrofitting of buildings (4 hours), of the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of the Province of Chieti.

Ancona and Perugia, in July 2005 Lecturer
Professional Refresher Course
The new text on Sismic Ordinance: changes to existing masonry buildings (8 hours), Study Centre “Mastrodicasa Sisto,” Centers of Perugia and Ancona.

Perugia, 11 December, 2004 Lecturer
Professional Refresher Course
Diagnosis and safety of masonry buildings, with particular reference to the new seismic code (1 hour), University of Perugia, Faculty of Engineering.

Florence, October, 2004 Lecturer
Professional Refresh Course
Safety of masonry buildings, diagnosis, degradation, interventions, examples of representative work (4 hours) at the INAIL Regional Office.

Lanciano, Chieti, 2004
Diagnosis and safety of masonry buildings (3 hours) for the Study Centre “Mastrodicasa Sisto,” located in Lanciano and Chieti.

Academic Year 2003/2004
Masters Course (second level)

Seismic improvement, restoration and consolidation of historic and monumental buildings – Third Edition – Course on “Structural problems of historical and monumental buildings” (60 hours), University of Perugia, Faculty of Engineering.

Perugia, 2003
Professional Updating Seminar
Redevelopment, hydraulic protection and environmental restoration of river banks (4 hours) – 1 st and 2 nd form, the Province of Perugia.

Viterbo, July 2, 2003;
Chieti, June 17, 2003; Pisa, April 15, 2003;
Pesaro, March 12, 2003;
Trento, February 27, 2003,
Cremona, January 21, 2003;

Professional Refresher Course

Securing and strengthening of masonry buildings: considerations and analysis of technical interventions (1 hour each session) of the Order of Engineers of the Provinces indicated.

Gubbio, March 29, 2003
Company Training Project (3 hours) at the Art Institute of Gubbio.

Syracuse, January 11, 2003
Contemporary consolidation techniques: building yard experience (5 hours) for the Board of Surveyors of the Province of Syracuse.

Chieti, November 20, 2002;
Florence, June 26, 2002;
Offida (AP), June 5, 2002;
La Spezia, May 23, 2002;
Perugia, March 22, 2002

Itinerant Professional Refresher course.
Diagnosis and security of masonry buildings and Consolidation and restoration of masonry structures (1 hour each session), Study Centre “Mastrodicasa Sisto” at the Professional Associations of Architects and Engineers of the Provinces indicated.

Perugia, 2002
Course for maintenance technicians for the consolidation of unstable areas (10 hours), Agency for Vocational Training “Smile – Innovative Systems and Methods for work and education.”

Rieti, November 12, 2002
Lecturer: Professional Refresher Course
Securing and strengthening of masonry structures: considerations and analysis of intervention (1 hour) of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rieti.