Archivi tag: restoration architect


Since 2012
Councillor of C.N.I. – National Council of Engineers in Italy. Delegate to the culture sector. Charge forecasting up to December 2021

Since 2019
Expert Member of the Superior Council of Public Works (Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici)

Since 2017
Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee for Earthquake in central Italy for the Extraordinary Commissioner for Reconstruction

Since 2019
President of “Centro Studi Sisto Mastrodicasa”

Years 2016-2017
President of Ecce – European Council of Civil Engineers

Years 2012/2014
Member of the executive Board of Ecce – European Council of Civil Engineers.

Since 2012-2016
Member of the Executive Board of the “Scuola Superiore di Formazione Professionale per l’Ingegneria”

Since 2012-2016
Member of the Executive Board of QUACING – Agency for Quality Certification and the EUR-ACE Accreditation of Study Courses in Engineering

Years 2012/2014
Member of the work Group delegated to draft the “Guidelines for the Testing and safety of the Monumental Historic Heritage Security” for the Superior Council of Public Works, earthquakes began on 20.05.2012.

Years 2012/2014
Member of the rapporteur committee of the “Guidelines for the verification, the Safety and accessibility of productive use buildings” for the Superior Council of Public Works, earthquakes began on 20.05.2012.

Years 2012/2013
Component of the work group “Seismic accessibility of Industrial halls of the Civil Protection”, guidelines for interventions for Emilia Romagna’s earthquake.

Years 2011/2014
Member of ASS.I.R.C.CO’s Executive board – Italian Association of Constructions’ Recovery and Consolidation .

Years 1996/2011
President of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Perugia

Years 2008/2010
ASS.I.R.C.CO’s Regional Delegate – Italian Association of Recovery and Consolidation Construction.

Years 2007/2010
Member of the National Committee of Professionals EUCENTRE – European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering.

Since 2003
Merit Academic of Academy of Fine Arts “Pietro Vannucci” in Perugia.

Since 2002
Academic of Honor of the Academy of Fine Arts “Pietro Vannucci” in Perugia.

Years 2000/2005
Member of the Board and Deputy Secretary of the Academy of Fine Arts “Pietro Vannucci” in Perugia.