Archivi tag: January 29


Mestre (VN), 13 June 2015

Road to Venice 2015
60th National Congress of Engineers
Hydrogeological instability: A prevention plan.

Naples May 29, 2015

Ecce 61st General Assembly, the European Council of Civil Engineers.
Artistic and monumental heritage. Restoration, preservation and enhancement.

Rome May 22, 2015

The Geotechnical Engineering at the service of the great works: needs and opportunities.

Stresa (VB) May 7, 2015

Seminar: Reason with the enviromental instability. Engineering techniques for the analysis and solutions for the consolidation of landslides.
Organized by:
FIOPA – Interregional Association of the Order of Engineers of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta
Order of Engineers of the Province of Verbano Cusio Ossoala

Lisbon, 24 November 2014

Workshop “Urban rehabilitation workshop”. Initiative promoted by WCCE – World Council of Civil Engineers

Valletta (Malta), 6 November 2014

Conference “Innovation in the Consolidation and Restoration with steel.” Promoted by the Italian Institute of Culture, by the Building Industry Consultative Council (consulting firm Malta), the Maltese Order of Architects and Engineers and the National Council of Italian Engineers .

Bologna, SAIE 2014, 23 October 2014

Introductory report “Prevent and manage the flood risk – Instruments for the prevention and management of erosion and flooding, new solutions smart early warning, analysis, control and management “” Floods and territory at risk: the need for a new approach to the problem “(1 hour).

Bologna, SAIE 2014, 23 October 2014

Keynote address, “Advanced technologies for design of infrastructures in areas of high seismic and hydrogeological risk – Seismic isolation systems and dissipation systems, geotechnical design criteria ” “A quality design considering current anti-seismic technologies “(1 hour).

Bologna, SAIE 2014, 22 October 2014

Introductory report: “Seismic vulnerability of hystorical buildings and intervention criteria. Analysis of the existing structures, continuous and discontinuous monitoring systems and instruments, interventions’ design” “Professional aspects related to che conservation of hystorical buildings. Temporary propping systems and interventions on foundations and elevated” (1 Hour).

Perugia, 1 September 2014

Fifteenth World Lake Conference (WLC15): “Lakes: The Mirrors of the Earth – Balancing Ecosystem integrity and Human Wellbeing”, with the Patronage of The President of the Italian Republic.

Torgiano, Perugia, 9 July 2014

Conference: “Freehand drawing for the pleasure of artistic representation and design”, promoted by “Pietro Vannucci” fine arts Academy of Perugia.

Viareggio, 28 Giugno 2014

Study Day on the theme: “Observatory on the risk of dangerous cargo: ideas and proposals for the establishment of a permanent center” organized by the Civil Protection of Tuscany, from VGR and the Municipality of Viareggio.

Perugia, June 26, 2014

Conference “The Regulation for the determination of fees for the award of engineering services pursuant to art. 9 D.L. 1/2012 and after the entry into force of the Ministerial Decree n. 140/2012 and Ministerial Decree 143/2013 ” organized by the National Council of Engineers of Italy, the Order of Engineers of the Province of Perugia, the Umbrian School of Public Administration and the Order of Engineers of the Province of Terni.

Treia, June 26, 2014

Presentation of the book “The Practical Construction and Rural Architecture” – Summary of lectures Prof. Guglielmo Calderini gave to the Royal University of Pisa – Academic Year 1885-1886″ sponsored by the City of Treia, Accademia Georgica, by the University of Perugia and Il Formichiere editore.

Tbilisi (Georgia) May 30, 2014

ECCE-GSCE-WCCE International Conference Seismics-2014 “Seismic design and rehabilitation of buildings” organized by the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE), the Georgian Society of Civil Engineers (GSCE), the World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE) and the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia: “Seismic Structural Consolidation of Historical and Monumental Buildings Using Steel: Interventions on Foundations and Elevations”.

Sarzana, May 16, 2014

National Conference “Structural damages of the buildings’ heritage in the urban ambit: from emergency to everyday practice” organized by the National Council of Engineers and the Regional Federation of the Order of Engineers of Basilicata:
“Structural Consolidation of masonry buildings with steel. Temporary propping systems, on foundations and elevations.”

Perugia, January 29, 2014

Conference organized by the Academy of Donca:
“Palazzo dei Priori between history and architecture.”

November 29, 2013

Second Meeting of the Boards of Geotechnical Engineering organized by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Bolzano:
“Consolidation of the buildings: technologies and techniques.”

Bologna, SAIE 2013
October 19, 2013

Lessons & Workshops organized by SAIE in collaboration with the Scientific Committee SAIE:
“Solutions and techniques for structural strengthening.”

Caserta, October 11, 2013

Order of Engineers Province of Caserta, University of Naples Federico II, University of Tuscia, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Association “Apotema,” National Council of Engineers – Open day 2013 “:
“Innovative tools for the management of hydraulic risk.”

Perugia, June 25, 2013

National Conference on “Care and maintenance of the territory at risk” by Alta Scuola, Region of Umbria, the Municipality of Perugia et alii:
“Evolution of the provisional post-seismic interventions on buildings.”

Varese, June 20, 2013

Conference of the Order of Engineers of Varese:
“Pierluigi Nervi the molecular architecture”

L’Aquila, June 15, 2013
Conference ” Sustainable rebuilding, safe reconstruction” by SAIE L’Aquila:
“The evolution of the temporary propping systems for structural reinforcement: from compressed to tensile structures.”

Bologna, Effetto sisma 2012 – Soil and Structures,
21 maggio 2013

Conference organized by the Region of Emilia Romagna:
“Interventions to consolidate the foundations.”

Bologna, April 12, 2013

Conference CLAIU:
“The Bologna process and the engineering education.”

Catania, January 18, 2013

Conference of Order of Engineers of the Province of Catania, The International Association of Lions Clubs District 108 Foundation Yb Sicily and the Order of Engineers of the Province of Catania:
“Consolidation of monumental buildings with steel.”

Bologna, SAIE 2012
October 19, 2012

C.N.I. (National Council of Italian Engineers) Roundtable:
“Technical regulation and prevention of seismic risk.”

Priverno (Latina),
October 13, 2012

ASS.I.R.C.CO. (Italian Association of Recovery and Consolidation of Construction) and the Order of Architects of the Province of Latina Conference:
“Consolidation of historic buildings with the use of steel.”

September 28, 2012

European Heritage Days, 29 to 30 September 2012, Congress organized by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Umbria, the Superintendence for Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Umbria:
“The Beautiful Door returned: the project of restoration and enhancement Etruscan Arch.”

Gubbio (Perugia), June 23, 2012

Conference of the University of Bricklayers, stonemasons and arts congeners:
“Experiences in the art of Consolidation and restoration of masonry buildings.”

Norcia (Perugia),
November 21, 2011

Conference for the Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Perugia:
“Norcia 1859 post-earthquake measures and works. Effective knowledge of a distant time. “

Perugia, May 28, 2011

Conference convened by the Family Perugina:
“Palazzo dei Priori, history and vicissitudes”

Bucarest, October 11, 2011

ASS.I.R.C.CO Conference. (Italian Association of Recovery and Consolidation of Constructions):
“The Consolidation of Historic Buildings.”

Ferrara, March 27, 2010

Topic of the meeting:
“Considerations on damage mechanisms and possible restoration interventions on historic buildings one year after the earthquake in Abruzzo.”

Bastia Umbra (Perugia), March 12, 2010

Umbrian Architecture 2010 signs of the contemporary.

Foligno, January 30, 2010

Urban Regional Review:
“From Integrated Recovery Programs to the” new town “.

“Reconstruction after earthquakes. Comparing experiences.”

L’Aquila, December 3, 2009

EUCENTRE – General Assembly Committee and Professional Supporters Group – Topic:
“Consolidation and restoration of buildings in seismic areas.”

Rome, December 15, 2009

Topic of the meeting:
“Strengthening of structures with steel.”

Bastia Umbra (Perugia), November 27, 2009

Coordinator of the workshop “House Steel House.”

Bologna, October 31, 2009

Meeting on the topic:
“The earthquake in Abruzzo on 6 April 2009: reflections on damage mechanisms on historical buildings and experiences on emergency safety interventions.”

Corciano (PG), April 4, 2009


“Corciano (and Perugia): City without measure?”

Perugia, January 30, 2009


“Architectural barriers and accessibility.”

Bath (GB), July 2-4, 2008

Assembly Rooms:
“Sahco 08 – 6th International Conference of Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions”.

Perugia, May 24, 2007

“The Nameless City. An Architecture in search of urban environment.”

February 22-27, 2005

International Conference:

“Conservation of historic wooden structures.”

Perugia, June 26, 2003

National Forum:
“The consolidation of historical buildings reasons for safety and conservation requirements.”

Safety measures versus conservation requirements.”

Perugia, December 7-14, 2002

National Forum:

“Lignea 2002 – The wooden structures from past to future. Art, History, Design, Technology, Restoration.”